The Black Crowes: Croweology

Bill Murphy on November 15, 2010

Silver Arrow/Megaforce

Most rock bands with a history as turbulent and transcendent as The Black Crowes break up at some time or another; the Crowes first did it in 2002, and Chris and Rich Robinson are marking the 20th anniversary of their debut Shake Your Money Maker by putting the Crowes on “indefinite hiatus” again – but not before they blow the doors off with one more tour and a double-disc acoustic set. Croweology was tracked over the course of five days at LA’s mecca Sunset Sound, largely with live takes and few overdubs. It’s a testament to the band’s grueling work ethic on the road that they can make something sounding so tight seem so effortless, but the real revelation in the acoustic remakes of such classics as “Remedy” and deep album cuts like “Downtown Money Waster” is how – even stripped down to their essence – they hold up as great songs. Highlights include a downtempo “Good Friday” that pays open tribute to Pink Floyd’s “Breathe,” a rousing slide acoustic version of “My Morning Song” and Chris Robinson’s changeless ability to peel paint with his voice on “Thorn in My Pride.”

Artist: The Black Crowes
Album: Croweology