Interested in pursuing your passion for music as a career? We did and so can you.
If you’re a reliable, driven music fan and wish to savor the action from both sides of the stage, then Relix could be the perfect fit.
A brief description of all internship positions appear below. To inquire about or apply for any of the listed internships, please email sarah@relix.com with your resume!
*Internships are unpaid, but school credit is available.
Editorial Intern
Responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Researching news for website content (upcoming tours, artist announcements, etc.)
- Creating social media content (Twitter/Facebook) and utilizing Bitly
- Editing articles for online and print Relix publications and Jambands.com
- Transcribing interviews for upcoming articles/features
- Contributing to news on jambands.com
Marketing Intern
Responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Maintaining and increasing unique website views and media presence of multiple music related platforms
- Executing larger and smaller projects
- Researching and developing new media lists and maintaining existing lists
- Executing promotion of company articles and events to bands, labels, management companies, venues, partnerships, etc.
- Assisting in the writing and editing process of articles, social content, and other important materials
- Evaluating and compiling new audience media reach opportunities
- Reaching out to media in both a proactive and reactive fashion
Sales Intern
Responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Executing larger and smaller projects
- Prospecting new clients
- Updating accounts
- In-depth research into bands, brands, and events of all sizes
- Support in developing new and maintaining current client relationships.
Graphic Design Intern
Responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Creating graphics and design layouts for print ads, flyers, email newsletters, promotions, contests, online banners, social media accounts, etc.
- Collaborating with the marketing department and supporting campaigns with design solutions
- Advancing your techniques for software ranging from Adobe Illustrator to Photoshop to make pixel perfect illustrations
- Receiving feedback from the Head of Design, Creative Director, and Marketing team and making necessary changes
- Adhering to brand guidelines and completing projects according to deadlines
Video Intern
Responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Taking responsibility for the recording, production, editing, and overall quality of our multimedia materials
- Videotaping interviews, shows, sessions, events
- Processing/editing audio and video files
- Learning, practicing and improving upon the entire media production process, including digitizing, editing, and splicing multiple sources of audio and video, as well as preparing media files for final consumption in streaming media
- Focusing on pulling concert selects, outputting strings, and adding lower-thirds/bumpers
- Contributing to the evolving use of media at the company by collaborating with departments, venues, and individuals across the company on creative projects and initiatives
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Relix does not solicit nor advertise for acting or voiceover work on Craigslist or any other online publication. Relix staff will never reach out to solicit our products and services via direct messaging on social media. Relix does not use third parties to engage talent. If you see such postings or receive any solicitations regarding gigs purporting to be for Relix that use contact information other than the official Relix (@relix.com) email, or that otherwise seem suspicious, please forward the listing to legal@relix.com. Thank you.