Marco Benevento: Between Needles & Nightfall

Jarrod Michael Dicker on May 26, 2010

Royal Potato Family

Marco Benevento’s assembly line approach to manufacturing Between Needles & Nightfall makes it his most versatile project yet. Initially engineered in Brooklyn by Bryce Goggin (Pavement, Phish), Benevento then took the reins and prior to final production, handed it off to three additional engineers. The result is contrastive, as each track contains its own distinctive sound and identity. The slow pace of “Ila Frost” highlights Benevento’s baby grand in a classical motif while “RISD” carries a catchy cadence combining a steel drum resonance with hastened rhythmic patterns. “It Came From You,” interjects a salsa electronic element as darkness arrives in “Wolf Trap” through eerily distorted circuit toys and uncanny drum and bass grooves. Infusing every genre imaginable, Benevento’s third studio album in as many years can only be described as desirable (musical) bipolar disorder.

Artist: Marco Benevento
Album: Between Needles & Nightfall