Ani DiFranco and Celisse Join Brandi Carlile During Encore in Chicago

Photo Credit: Hanna Hanseroth and Jason Tang
On Saturday, Brandi Carlile brought her Beyond These Silent Days tour to Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island in Chicago, Ill. The artist delivered a stacked single-set performance that included a fleet of tunes off her 2019 LP, In These Silent Days, for which the tour is named, as well as numbers off The Firewatcher’s Daughter and The Story, in addition to a handful of covers. The night was capped with an epic five-song encore with guest musicians Ani DiFranco and Celisse.
After opening up the night with “Twintro,” Carlile dove into the first number off her latest record, landing on “Broken Horses” before moving on to a tune off of The Firewatcher’s Daughter, with “Mainstream Kid.” Next, the songstress and her band played “You and Me on the Rock” and “The Story” before Carlile led the crowd through “Happy Birthday to You” in celebration of her collaborators and longtime bandmates, Tim and Phil Hansroth’s birthday.
Carlile followed up on the celebration with “The Eye” and “ The Mother” before performing a take on “Mama Werewolf.” Next, the artist covered David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” and followed with a rendition of Radiohead’s “Creep.” Next, they again worked through selections off In These Silent Days before ending the set on two songs from, By The Way, I Forgive You with “The Joke” and “Party of One.”
The night’s most memorable moments came during the six-song encore, which began with the night’s opener, Celisse taking the stage to perform her tune, “Freedom,” with assistance from Carlile. Then, Celisse left the stage, leaving Carlile to cover Joni Mitchell’s “Woodstock.” Next, the evening’s second guest, DiFranco, another opener for Carlile’s Chicago stand, appeared for a rendition of “32 Favors,” which initially appeared on DiFranco’s 1995 LP, Not a Pretty Girl. Carlile continued with a few original numbers before ending the night with a cover of Harold Arlen’s seminal track, “Over the Rainbow.”
Following this weekend’s fun, Carlile will pop up in Salt Lake City on Aug. 11 as she continues her Beyond These Silent Days tour. For additional information, including tickets to upcoming performances, visit
Brandi Carlile
Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island – Chicago, Ill.
Aug. 6, 2022
Set: Twinintro, Broken Horses, Mainstream Kid, You and Me on the Rock, The Story, Happy Birthday to You*, The Eye, The Mother, Mama Werewolf, Space Oddity^, Creep&, This Time Tomorrow, Right on Time, Sinners, Saints and Fools, The Joke, Party of One
Enc.: Freedom%, Woodstock@, 32 Flavors+, Hold Out Your Hand, Stay Gentle, Over the Rainbow$
* Mildred J. Hill & Patty Hill cover, dedicated to Tim and Phil Hanseroth
^ David Bowie cover
& Radiohead cover
% Celisse cover, performed with Celisse
@ Joni Mitchell cover
+ Ani DiFranco cover, performed with DiFranco
$ Harold Arlen cover
Setlist via Setlist.FM