Here’s a Neat Story About Oteil Burbridge Taking LSD at the Gorge with Dead & Company

Rob Slater on September 8, 2016

Oteil Burbridge had one hell of a time at Dead & Company’s stop at the Gorge. In an interview with Alan Paul for Music Aficionado, the bassist talked about his experience on LSD at the Gorge, as Dead & Company wrapped up their tour in late July with a swing through the Northwest.

“Listen to how different that night sounds, because that music and Owsley go together and I found that out.” Burbridge said. He admitted that he “never liked to play tripping” and liked to keep it separate from performing on stage, but at the Gorge, Burbridge dabbled in some of Owsley’s finest and he sure did enjoy the results. “The first thing I realized was the stuff I was doing as a kid was absolute garbage and this was a completely different experience,” he added.

As for his performance, Burbridge said that playing the Dead’s music was “eye opening.” Adding that he finally got in tune with John Mayer’s playing. “I’ve been chasing John and I caught his ass that night and he knew it. Afterwards, he sat Bill and me down and was like, ‘What happened? What is this all about?’ It was hilarious. I was like, ‘Yeah I got you.'”

The bassist summed up his night by saying, “I felt like an octopus with tentacles connecting to each person in the band—and each person on that vibe in the audience. And it was heavy.” He not so subtlety hinted at enjoying himself at the Gorge in an Instagram post following the show as he included the hashtags #hadtodoitjustonetime #noregrets and #handsdownbesttripever. Good on you, Oteil.

The rest of the interview is typically sweet if you’ve ever heard from Oteil. He dishes on his love for the Dead’s music and his Dead & Co bandmates, and how Jaimoe and Butch Trucks stack up against Kreutzmann and Hart.