Norah Jones : The Fall

Glenn BurnSilver on December 11, 2009

Norah Jones still has the same comfortable, familiar voice, but the music behind her latest solo album The Fall travels in new directions. Featuring top musicians like guitarists Smokey Hormel and Marc Ribot, as well as writing collaborators like Ryan Adams and Okkervil River’s Will Sheff, Jones creates new, rock-centric background music for her unmistakable voice – and it all works perfectly. “Light As A Feather” flows on a vaguely brooding, dark undercurrent, while “Young Blood” features low, fuzzy guitars and echo-y vocals. “It’s Gonna Be” sports a funky beat and vintage organ sound. All of these excursions show off Jones’ musical range, but nothing gets far from the root – her voice – always front and center. Unfortunately, it also never deviates from form as much as the music should allow.

Artist: Norah Jones
Album: The Fall
Label: Blue Note