Man Man: Life Fantastic

Emily Zemler on June 16, 2011


It’s difficult to translate the exuberance and energized fervor of Man Man’s live performance onto a recording. However, the Philadelphia group’s fourth album, Life Fantastic, comes damn close. From the outset, the record is boisterous and dynamic as opening number “Knuckle Down” embodies the playfully impassioned spirit that threads throughout the entire album. Man Man’s brand of bouncy indie rock is experimental in tone, but tracks like “Dark Arts” and “Piranhas Club” are oddly accessible in the same way that Modest Mouse’s bizarre melodies contain unexpected mass appeal. Unlike Modest Mouse, however, Man Man’s new tracks feel – for lack of a better word – fun. And if an album exudes this much pure joy, then the group’s live performance can only exude more.

Artist: Man Man
Album: Life Fantastic