Jay Farrar And Benjamin Gibbard: One Fast Move or I’m Gone: Music from Kerouac’s ‘Big Sur’

Mike Thomas on November 27, 2009

Concept albums can be iffy, but Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard and Son Volt’s Jay Farrar channeling the 1962 Jack Kerouac novel Big Sur is what a concept album should be. Considering that the last time Gibbard split off from Death Cab to do an album it became an instant classic – The Postal Service’s Give Up – it’s hard not to set the bar high for anything he touches. Fear not – the two have magnificently constructed lyrics ripped directly from the pages of the novel itself and split vocal duties as if they have been working together for years. One Fast Move not only tells a story, it paints it with the kind of emotion that would satisfy Kerouac himself.

Artist: Jay Farrar And Benjamin Gibbard
Album: One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Music from Kerouac's 'Big Sur'
Label: F-Stop/Atlantic