Hot Day at the Zoo: Zoograss

Brian Robbins on May 7, 2010

INTA Records

Combine the rough-and-tumble acoustic sweetness of Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance, Yonder Mountain when the band’s feeling rowdy, and Reckoning era Dead and you’d have some idea of what Hot Day at the Zoo sounds like on its new live release, Zoograss. A four-piece with punkgrass energy and no fear of jamming (a 9-minute-plus “Mercy of the Sea” establishes that right off the bat), HDATZ offers a little something for everybody. Sometimes boozily wistful ( “One Day Soon” ), other times rip-the-ass-out-of-your-overalls raucous ( “Old Mill” ), Zoograss is just plain fun.

Artist: Hot Day at the Zoo
Album: Zoograss