Daft Punk: Tron: Legacy Original Soundtrack

Emily Zemler on March 9, 2011


Whatever your opinion is of the new Tron film, Daft Punk’s original score to the flick is undeniably its best asset. The French electronic duo’s futuristic tracks augment and elevate the film’s visuals significantly, successfully finding an intriguing partnership between their electro beats and the surging lights of the film. But can the tracks stand alone, momentarily divorced from their counterpart images? As it turns out, yes, they can. The expansive numbers – which are less songs than spacey landscapes of sound – fall in line with the rest of Daft Punk’s catalog. “Derezzed,” the first single (and song from the trailer), is jumpy and sounds like a video game score, but the rest of the score is spacious, pensive and truly intriguing. This helps make up for the fact that Daft Punk put its own album on hold for several years to make this soundtrack.

Artist: Daft Punk
Album: Tron: Legacy Original Soundtrack