Crystal Stilts: In Love With Oblivion

Ron Hart on April 29, 2011


Brooklyn’s Crystal Stilts is back. And on its second full-length for the Slumberland label, the members of the band persist in improving upon its trademark brew of gothic urban noise-pop. The music pulls from everything you should have been listening to in the ‘80s across 11 new songs that take the band’s craft to new levels of deep crate appreciation. This time around, it’s the Paisley Underground movement that guides its dark muse. Shades of the fabled Los Angeles music scene are evident in the desert-punk jangle of Two Bibles -era Green On Red tracks like “Silver Sun” and “Invisible City” and the alt-psyche drone of vintage Opal that permeates the seven-minute mindbender “Alien Rivers” and the album’s heady closer “Prometheus at Large” adding an even cooler set of dimensions to one of the best bands in New York City today.

Artist: Crystal Stilts
Album: In Love With Oblivion