Teller of Fortunes: Bill Kreutzmann Confirms November Concerts on Kauai

Bill Kreutzmann is back. The Grateful Dead drummer has confirmed three consecutive live performances on Kauai from Nov. 22-24, 2024. The newly added concert dates arrive after the timekeeper tapped Eggy’s Jake Brownstein, Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey’s Reed Mathis, Circle Around the Sun’s Adam MacDougall, Daniel Donato, and The String Cheese Incident’s Jason Hann for a video series, alluding to the artist lineup and show details.
The initial video arrived on Saturday, Oct. 12, as a spontaneous garage jam clip, positioned alongside the suggestive caption: “Went to the garage to go grab something and couldn’t help myself. Last week, a fortune cookie told me I was going to start doing what I love again. How’d it know?” Kreutzmann had an ace up his sleeve and a definitive method for disrupting follow-up information, using the informal idiom, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
With good fortune on the drummer’s side, the cast of musicians who will make up the impending lineup added their acting chops to the mix. They cracked open the sweet treat and revealed various details that collectively presented a connect-the-dots for event details. For Brownstein’s part, he went light, simply relying upon “The Music Never Stopped” and, of course, the recurring arrival of the fortune cookie to start up the ramp for more information.
From the guitarist’s role in the video series, Mathis comes next, cracking the cookie and reading: “Woah, guess we’re going,” with “Bertha” playing gently in the background. Establishing location at a more distinct rate, MacDougall seemingly embraces the essence of episodes of Twilight Zone, with the vintage zing and unplanned arrival of his own fortune cookie. A trail of “Wells…” giveaway to “At least I got the right shirt,” about his floral and palms button up.
Adding further context, Donato’s mention of the lucky number 11 as a fortune cookie feature suggests the month of the concerts. The cosmic country artist mentioned Hawaii’s state fish, another clue that alluded to the location, further emphasized through Hann’s reference to Hanalei.
Kreutzmann added one final video to the series last night, Oct. 16, confirming his role as the teller of fortunes. Between chiefs of a sizable joint, he says, “You’re going on a wonderful musical trip,” and reveals a slip of paper that reads: Mahalo Dead, 11 22 23 24 2024, coopting the fortune cookie style display of numbers. Watch the videos below.
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