Temple of the Dog’s Tour Sold Out in a Few Seconds and Ticketmaster’s Twitter Mentions are in Shambles
You’ve probably heard this story before: Band announces first tour ever, tickets evaporate into thin air, reappear on StubHub at a 5,000 percent increase, everyone gets mad, rinse and repeat.
That’s what we have here as Temple of the Dog’s first tour ever is completely sold out, as you’d maybe expect. Though some thought the absence of Eddie Vedder would hurt sales on this run (although Eddie was never technically in Temple of the Dog), it appears that is not the case at all as the East Coast run sold out in seconds.
With that, let us cue up the parade of insults hurled at Ticketmaster via Twitter.
@Ticketmaster 20,000 seats sold in 3 seconds… must be some sort of a record
— SlamminTunes (@SlamminTunes) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster my mom is in a bad mood because of you thanks a lot
— ✧ (@simonealexaaa) July 29, 2016
How is it that @templeofthedog tix go on sale at 12p est and @Ticketmaster has them sold out in less than 10 seconds!! Complete b.s.
— Mic (@21mic) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster I’ve purchased tickets before for very high demand shows and NEVER had them sold out that quickly. System error @Ticketmaster
— Mic (@21mic) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster @LiveNation tried to buy tickets for @templeofthedog right at noon. No tickets available?!?! #towertheater #msg #BS
— icon722 (@icon722) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster @TicketmasterCS there is no reason why tickets to a concert should be sold out in less than minutes after they go on sale
— DC (@RauulDuke) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster it’s horseshit. it’s complete horseshit. Literally in less than 4 minutes tickets for temple of the dog were gone
— DC (@RauulDuke) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster fuck off
— marlena scarlata (@marlenascarlata) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster u suck
— marlena scarlata (@marlenascarlata) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster greedy assholes
— marlena scarlata (@marlenascarlata) July 29, 2016
@Ticketmaster 12:01pm, # of TOTD tix avail for general sale – 0, # avail from 3rd party brokers, too many to count. thanks TM
— James Morassutti (@Jiminuz) July 29, 2016
Fuck you @Ticketmaster Complete everything then there’s an error with the tickets
— Ryan Garrett (@RyanGarrettt) July 29, 2016
Would have come all the way from Finland to see you @templeofthedog but @Ticketmaster fucked it up! #TOTD
— Joni Puromäki (@JoniPuro) July 29, 2016
Hey @Ticketmaster, go fuck yourself. #templeofthedog tickets for #MSG were soldout before they were even available to the public. #bullshit
— Drew Kerrigan (@DrewKerriganNY) July 29, 2016