RatDog with Grace Potter “Dear Prudence” (and the Story Behind the “‘Winona Ryder’ Rider”)

August 19, 2013

Grace Potter guested with RatDog over the weekend at the Peach Music Festival. She sat in on “Dear Prudence” and then on a version of “I Know You Rider” (both appear below). The second song included a reference to Winona Rider.

Here is what Potter’s Nocturnals bandmate Scott Tournet had to say about the version of “I Know You Rider,” which included a reference to actress (and shoplifter) Winona Ryder, via thisissomewhere.com : "Alright, so a bunch of years ago on long drives late at night us nocturnals used to sit around drunk with acoustic guitars and insert random celebrities into songs…one was matt mcconaughy to the tune if Nirvanas “all apologies” . Another was Winona Ryder to the grateful deads’ “I know you rider” . It went “Winona Ryder why did you steal all those clothes?” Recently we have struck up a friendship with Bob Weir and he popped into our dressing room last night after our set at the peach fest in Scranton, PA…one thing led to another and next thing you know we’re singing our version for him. He loved it. Hilariously Weir(d). Flash forward to a few hours later during Bobby’s show and my favorite lead singer (you guessed it, Ms. G Potter) comes out to sit in…they sang “i know you rider” …and then they sang the fucking verse we wrote oh so many years ago on a whiskey fueled night driving through some Midwestern state…though it feels slightly blasphemous, we have inserted our debauchery into Grateful Dead history. I hope some heads pick up on it .“”420" height=“315” src=“//www.youtube.com/embed/HlZnIKdwdTo” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen>“Dear Prudence”“I Know You Rider”