‘WHO KNEW The Smartest People in The Room’ to Feature Donick Cary and Dean Budnick

February 20, 2024
‘WHO KNEW The Smartest People in The Room’ to Feature Donick Cary and Dean Budnick

Donick Cary and Dean Budnick are set to appear as upcoming guests on WHO KNEW The Smartest People in the Room with Tom Truitt. The conversational series, which focuses on topics related to the music industry, will feature Cary and Budnick on Thursday, February 29, at 2 p.m. ET. The event is open to anyone, although pre-registration is required.

During the hour-long virtual conversation, Emmy-winning writer, producer, and director Cary will detail his musical contributions on top of his notable start, writing for Late Night with David Letterman, and five-year follow-up as co-executive producer of The Simpsons. He has also lent his talents to Parks and Recreation, New Girl, Silicon Valley and others, launching the first web series to ever move from the internet to television, Lil’ Bush, in 2004. Cary also directed the documentary Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics, which features stories from Bill Kreutzmann, Carrie Fisher, Adam Scott, Nick Offerman, Anthony Bourdain, Sarah Silverman, Sting, Ad-Rock, Lewis Black, Rosie Perez, A$AP Rocky, Nick Kroll and many other entertainers.

Cary’s music industry ties are associated with his 501c3 charity, Musack, which aims “to give kids and teens a voice through music by providing guitars, drums, and support for music teachers – wherever the need arises.” Visit the foundation’s website and learn more here

In addition to Cary, Relix’s editor-and-chief, Budnick will also take part in the discussion, touching on his literary contributions, co-authoring The Music Never Stops: What Putting on 10,000 Shows Has Taught Me About Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Magic, with concert promoter, Peter Shapiro, and Suck and Blow: And Other Stories I’m Not Supposed To Tell with Blues Traveler’s John Popper, along with and five other books, including Ticket Masters: The Rise of the Concert Industry and How the Public Got Scalped. 

WHO KNEW The Smartest People in the Room, featuring Cary and Budnick, will take place on Thursday, February 29, at 2 p.m. ET via Zoom.