Ryan Montbleau’s Live-Stream Strategy Profiled in Today’s _New York Times_

April 9, 2012

Last Tuesday, Widespread Panic’s Dave Schools authored a Frequent Flier piece for the New York Times entitled “Wearing Waist-Length Hair, and a Sense of Humor.” Today, Ryan Montbleau is profiled in the “Paper of Record.” Ben Sisario’s piece entitled “Bands Improvise New Ways to Live-Stream Shows” describes how “Since January, he has been webcasting all of his concerts live through a system worthy of Rube Goldberg: after capturing the audio on a mixing console, the band bounces the signal to two apps and then to an iPhone, which transmits the show to the band’s Web page for anyone to hear.” Sisario goes on to write, “To stream his band’s shows, Mr. Montbleau’s keyboardist and resident techie, Jason Cohen, found a way to link Audio Hijack Pro and Nicecast, two apps made by the software company Rogue Amoeba. It wasn’t hacking exactly, but the connection was unusual enough that Rogue Amoeba’s chief executive, Paul Kafasis, asked Mr. Cohen how he had pulled it off.” The complete article can be found here