Mike Huckabee Paying $25,000 for Using Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger”

June 30, 2016

Mike Huckabee dropped out of the race for the presidency months ago, but his finance release proves that he’s still paying for at least one of his campaign’s mistakes, as the former Arkansas governor has reportedly paid $25,000 to Rude Music, the company owned by Survivor guitarist Frankie Sullivan, whose iconic song “Eye of the Tiger” was used by Huckabee in an event for Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed after refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples even after the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriages.

As CNN Money reports, Huckabee never paid for the rights to use the song at the event, which was held after Davis was released from jail, and was consequently sued by Sullivan and Rude Music. The lawsuit was settled out of court, and the amount paid by Huckabee was revealed in a federal record of campaign expenses.

CNN also notes that Huckabee tried to get out of the lawsuit by claiming the event for Davis was a “religious assembly” because of the clerk’s initial “religious” opposition to issuing the marriage licenses. A religious event allows for songs to be used for “noncommercial” purposes. Sullivan’s lawyer, Annette McGarry, discounted this argument when she showed that Huckabee had claimed the event under his presidential campaign expenses.