In Memoriam: “Nationally Recognized Tastemaker” Rita Houston (1961-2020)

Known by many in the New York City area – and beyond – for her work as a program director and DJ for WFUV, Rita Houston passed away on Dec. 15, 2020 after a six-year battle with cancer.
“It is with great sadness that we at WFUV share news that we have lost Rita Houston, our much-loved program director and iconic DJ to generations of listeners — listeners who regarded her as their radio friend. Rita left this world this morning, December 15, 2020, in the loving company of her wife and our colleague, Laura Fedele, and her family,” read an official statement.
Houston was beloved by music fans who tuned in her to show The Whole Wide World with Rita Houston, on Friday nights, and an official bio accurately described her as a “nationally recognized tastemaker.”
She was a self-proclaimed Deadhead and regular presence in the field and on the air at festivals like Bonnaroo for many years.
“Rita was and always will be a New York City institution,” promoter/Brooklyn Bowl owner Peter Shaprio said on Dec. 15. “It always felt cool to have Rita in the house, at a show. Everything just felt cooler with her there. She was so warm, so supportive, and so kind. We need more of that in this world so I hope her one-of-kind energy rubbed off on a lot of people. I know I can still feel it. But, her magnetic smile, I am not sure that will ever be replaceable. Rest In Peace, my friend, and thank you for all you did to lift the music and the people who make the music. We all love you.”
In 2019, Houston celebrated 25 years at WFUV, and New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio congratulated her for “bringing joy to listeners throughout the five boroughs, providing a platform for new talent that deserves to be heard, and enriching the cultural vitality of our city.”
Following the news of Houston’s passing, musician Dave Godowsky wrote, “RIP Rita Houston, a friend and mentor and all around guiding light for what a human being can and should be.”
Added fellow WFUV host Alisa Ali, “I can’t speak. I’m so crushed & devastated. My friend & mentor, the soul of WFUV: Rita Houston has passed away.”
Concluded a statement by WFUV, “Together, we will remember and celebrate her in the weeks ahead. But right now, Rita, we see you on that stage with Sharon Jones, Bowie, Prince, and especially your beloved John Prine, emceeing the most heavenly edition of Holiday Cheer for FUV.