The Ticketmaster Vitriol Has Already Started
Tickets for Phish’s four-night New Year’s run went on sale today and you can guess how those who didn’t get tickets are reacting.
We’re only 50 minutes into the on-sale time and some of you all are already in full-meltdown mode. The 140’s that are being fired off to Ticketmaster’s Twitter account are fueled by your deepest, most intense hatred.
Here are some of the best reactions.
WTF @Ticketmaster?? 3-4 minute delay in the online on-sale for @phish. VERY SHADY!
— Howard Bender (@rotobuzzguy) October 14, 2016
ABC should just rebrand the show @BattleBotsABC and have contestants try to order #Phish tickets off @Ticketmaster.
— Chris Gebhard (@chrisgebhard) October 14, 2016
Did anyone actually planning to see @phish NYE at @TheGarden get tickets? @Ticketmaster is the worst
— Chris Shand (@CShand23) October 14, 2016
@Ticketmaster @phish Select all images of actual fans getting f****ed over by scalpers
— Pete Covino (@PeteCovino) October 14, 2016
@craigruby @Ticketmaster @phish @TheGarden @pagemcconnell …….HOW!?
— Chris Gebhard (@chrisgebhard) October 14, 2016
when you pull two NYEs, go to checkout, and @Ticketmaster gives you a blank screen of death.
— brandon wenerd (@brandonwenerd) October 14, 2016
Apparently @ticketmaster and I aren’t friends #phish #YEMSG
— Barry Weishaus (@phishlvr) October 14, 2016
Hey @Ticketmaster fuck off.
— Derick Russell (@derk9ster) October 14, 2016
I want to egg @ticketmaster‘s store front.
— The Phunion™ (@thephunion) October 14, 2016
Is there a more inefficient system than @Ticketmaster‘s Captcha? It’s terrible
— Drew Higham (@drew_higham) October 14, 2016
Hey @Ticketmaster I got a lot of problems with you and your handling of @phish tickets.JUST SLAYIN
— Jesus-zilla (@IamKrivoruk) October 14, 2016
Fuck you @Ticketmaster.
— spiral⭐️light (@BAYNETRAIN8) October 14, 2016