Here’s String Cheese Incident’s Prince and David Bowie Celebration From All Angles

Rob Slater on June 29, 2016

By all accounts, The String Cheese Incident threw a fucking party on Saturday night at Electric Forest and video has begun to surface as those in attendance piece their lives back together. 

For those of you keeping score at home, the Prince/David Bowie tribute kicked off with Karl Denson joining the band on Prince’s “Kiss.” The group then found their way quickly into tunes like Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” and then a spastic “Let’s Go Crazy.” Shit gets pretty fucked up after that as they countdown to “Space Oddity” with a complete EDM freakout, signaling a fireworks show to go along with the dudes hanging from hot air balloons, inflatable horses and other general fuckery. When they inevitably hit the famed “this is ground control to Major Tom” verse, confetti and pyro explode from the stage. It’s pretty incredible.

The best way to watch this is from all angles. In the crowd, from the sides, from the back and from the way back. There is literally something new in each perspective making it a completely overwhelming visual and auditory experience, just like Prince and Bowie would’ve wanted. Choose your own adventure below. 

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