Trent Reznor Responds to Death Grips Breakup; Wins Twitter
Following the news of the Death Grips surprise break up yesterday, fans and musicians alike took to various social media outlets to share their shock. It appears as if this “conceptual art exhibition anchored by sound and vision” was quite a divisive topic yesterday and Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor even chimed in on Twitter.
Death Grips were supposed to open up on the recent NIN/Soundgarden tour that kicks off in just two weeks and now without an opener, Reznor apologized for putting too much faith into the band keeping it together given their rocky past.
sorry everyone… why would I have ever thought those dudes could keep it together?
— Trent Reznor (@trent_reznor) July 3, 2014
In other Death Grips reaction news, Austin’s Fun Fun Fun Fest, who was a part of the group’s cancelled tour dates this year AND was burned by the band last year as well after they didn’t show up for their set, took to Facebook for this hysterical letter mocking the way the Death Grips announced their breakup.
Anyway, here is a band that is still together–Nine Inch Nails–playing “Hurt” during their recent “Tension” Tour stop in Los Angeles.